Timbeldon and Audie Journey: How Airbnb Works
What about tomorrow? It’s easy in theory but there is nothing easy about thinking about what you need to do to protect your future lifestyle. Firstly, you have to actually think ‘I need to think about it’. Then get over your trained put off thoughts ‘I’ll worry about it tomorrow when I’ve got a mo.’ […]
Timbeldon and Audie Journey: Let’s explore some properties together
What about tomorrow? It’s easy in theory but there is nothing easy about thinking about what you need to do to protect your future lifestyle. Firstly, you have to actually think ‘I need to think about it’. Then get over your trained put off thoughts ‘I’ll worry about it tomorrow when I’ve got a mo.’ […]
Timbeldon and Audie Journey: Embracing Tomorrow
What about tomorrow? It’s easy in theory but there is nothing easy about thinking about what you need to do to protect your future lifestyle. Firstly, you have to actually think ‘I need to think about it’. Then get over your trained put off thoughts ‘I’ll worry about it tomorrow when I’ve got a mo.’ […]